Title:Palin Beding debate
Lenght of Listening/Watchng:3 hours
The vice presidential candidates, Democratice Sen. Joe Biden and Republican alaska gov. Sarah Palin, debated in St. Louis, Missouri, Thursday night. Gwen Ifill of PBS was the debate moderator. The debate started with the laying down of the rules of the debate by Gwen Ifill and by introducing and welcoming the vice presidential contender. With Palin the first to greet and Biden responded. Biden answer the first question and Palin followed. They debated about the economic bail out,polarization in washington,subprime lending meltdown,taxes, health care plan,economy, energy, global warming, gay marriage,foreign policy, war in Iraq, Iran and Pakistan, Bosnia and Kosovo, the role of the vice president and the final question was about policy issue. If I were to decide who won this debate, I think its Joe Biden. Joe biden is a lot smarter than Sarah Palin. Sarah Palin is just like making recitation. She is more of a contestant than a candidate. She is not prepared for the debate. Most of her response and supportting documents were wrong. As I shared the views and watch the response from some of the TV host and concerned citizens.Chris Mathews:Said: For a while I thought I was watching a spelling bee with same of Gov. Palin's responses. It was so reciting, so automatic. She said she wasn't going to listen to Gwen Ifill tonight. She also said didn't like "the filter of mainstream media", which means she's not going to do more serious interviews like Katie Couric. I also thought it was interesting that Sarah Palin wanted to enlarge the constitutional role for the vice president. I've never heard anyone seek an office, and then ask to have its powers increased on their watch. That was extraordinary and requires more exploration for the media.
So, in essence, tonight, what a statement: "I'm not playing by the rules, and when I get elected I want more power in the office than it has had before."There's too much humility there.
Keith OlbermannGov. Sarah Palin did not crash, she did not burn, but she also did not answer the question.She rerquested to keep things informal, asking senator Biden at the handshake, "Hey, can I call you Joe?"From there, it was a short trip to attempting a connection with working class voters and the proverbial"Joe Six Pack."
But viewing the actual debate questions as optional, Palin's strategy when things got uncomfortable was to stray into energy no matter what the original topic.
Asked about her greatest weakness, Governor Palin talked about her strengths and her marriage and her executive skills and the shining city on the hill.
Asked about Afghanistan, she got the name of the commander there wrong, misquoted him, and tried to scold Senator Biden for getting the quotes right. Asked about Irag, she got the number of troops, there wrong. Asked about Iraq, she got the numbe of troops there, wrong. Asked about X, she answered about Y, and on at least one occasion said in advance she would not answer the moderator's question.
Rebecca Russell
As a Republican I really worked hard to like Gove. Palin but this debate has convinced me to vote for Obama-biden. Palin blew the hew pseudo-genuine image on national TV by not even acknowledging Biden when he choked up while speaking of the traumatic death of a family member. Little cracks like this will continue to develop.
Jerri Brooker, Spokane, WA
Joe Biden had his act together and answered the debate questions professionally; Sarah Palin has a script and refused to answer the questions posed; she talked jibberish at times. She doesn't show the professionalism I expect in a Vice president; Biden does. I shudder to think what would happen to this country if McCain/Palin are elected and started shooting from the hip. I pray Obama/Biden continue to get the votes needed to bo our next elected president/vice president.
This country needs them. They care about working class Americans. They will help get ust out of this crisis and back on track.
For me, this debate has given the idea to all american voters who is best qualified to be next president and vice president. One thing I learned from this debate is that
you must be prepared at all times before going to a debate.
New Words:
Oversight - watchful and responsible care. regulatory supervision.
Polariztion - the action of polarizing or state of being or becoming polarized.
Entrench - to place within or surround with a trench especially for defence
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